Computer(Common Operating Machine Purposely Used For Technological and Educational Research ) is an electronic digital machine.Here, word digital means it uses mathematical calculations and some protocols to perform an particular task. Every task is perform by some software and every software is developed for performing an particular task
Some types of computers that are developed for performing various tasks in different sectors:
There are four types of computers in the world:
Firstly I going to show you the Micro-computers:
1.PC(Computer, Laptop(Light-weight Analytical Platform Total Optimizing Power )): Pc(Personal Computer) are used for personal using works like:Making spreadsheets,image editing, listning music, web-surfing etc.
.Desktop Computer
Ultra-mobile PC
Pocket PC
Mini-computers:These are the computers that we commonly used and known as Mobiles or iPads/iPhones
1.Tablet-pc: Apple tabs and samsung tabs are the best examples of mini-computers
2.Smartphones: Apple iPhone, Android, Blackberry Symbion mobiles are the most commonly used gadgets or mini-computers
Main-Frame Computers: These are the computers which are used within an organisation or even in IT companies. The size of the these compters depends on the organisation like: Amazon and Google and many more IT companies uses mainframe computers for their processing a bulk of data,ERP(Enterprise Resourse Planning) and other general purpose tasks
1.IBM Z-Series
2.System z-9
3.System z10
HP named:Non-stop, ClearPath Libra and Dorado are the best examples of the latest generation’s main-frame computers
Super-Computers: A super-computer is used for some scientific calculations and researches. The performance of supercomputers is measured in FLOPS(Floating Point Operations per Seconds) instead of MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second).NASA and BARC(Bhava Atomic Research Center) also uses these computers
1.JAGUAR uses by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
2.NEBULAE uses by china
3.JUGENE uses by Juelich supercomputing centre Germany
4.TIANHE-1 uses by China.
5.PARAM and ANURAG uese by ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation).
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